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How Stupidity grounded Daddy Freeze, In Ruins And Disgrace -By Nneka Okumazie

There is a chance the campaign of
freeze took off from his stupidity. It may have been
fun initially, and the wave, for him, may have made him double-down,
but he got grounded in ruins and disgrace.

He’s supposed to have all
the facts. He’s supposed to know all the knowledge. He’s
supposed to be the only one who knows the real – and only –
truth. He’s also supposed to be the only one who can judge,
condemn, insult and lay curses on anyone.

But what has two years of this
expertise led him? Complain of Church or Pastor on social media, get
views and comments, get some blog reports, no effect. Find something
else for the next day –repeat and continue.

The amount of
fabrications, conspiracies, and falsehoods that daddy
freeze spews is often a reason to question if he’s
actually stupid or if he takes
those who support him as stupid.

It is more than one specific issue – against Church – for him. It is total hate. Maybe he’s intimidated by the success of some Churches. Maybe he’s envious of some Pastors. Maybe the bright future he hoped to have crashed. Maybe he wriggles out of his own emptiness through desire for downfall of others. Maybe life is meaningless to him. Maybe things that went bad for him made him determine to make as many as possible suffer similar fate.

The last one seems like his call. He
hates the Church so he has to make others hate the Church. His
marriage went bad, so his first advice is that when there is an issue
in marriage is a way out. No reconciliation, no forgiveness,
no hope, just separation.

To him what is not sin is not sin,
so whatever is not sin to him, must not be sin to you, but the
Scriptures says all unrighteousness is sin.

His fake economics, fake theology
and fake comparisons are aimed at the gullible. Poverty is caused by
income, purchasing power [of that income], and conditions of
living – not Church or Pastor, or giving in Church, or even
pensions or taxes. He says Churches caused poverty, and his
supporters believe and chorus it, like Churches are also responsible
for underdevelopment.

Power outages are issues with
respect to generation and distribution of electricity. Maybe
freeze can identify the role a Church should solely
play in one or both. Bad healthcare, unsafe roads, poor
infrastructure, insecurity, unemployment, faulty education, etc. are
not on the Church.

The Church is for Faith, Hope and
Worship – in Spirit and in Truth. People go to the Church because
they ‘Came to Jesus’ like He said. He also said, “He stands at
the door and knocks”. And he said, “His followers should “Abide
in Him”.

Christ said, “Enter by the narrow
gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is
the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there
are few who find it.”

freeze would say fornication, masturbation and
pornography are not sin. He would look for Scriptures, or ask for
where it is in the Bible or how it is not in the Bible. There are
Scriptures that says flee fornication; abstain from sinful desires
that wage war against the soul; for this is the will of God,
your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual

freeze would never talk about the fruit of the Spirit,
because if he has the Spirit of Truth, he would have discussed it. He
would never discuss holiness and righteousness. He would never talk
about hope, or the power of Faith in GOD.

He would attack testimonies –
to strength the Faith of others. He would attack
prosperity, yet remind everyone that Nigeria is the world’s poverty
capital. He would say Churches should build factories maybe he needs
to read on how free market economics work.

His lifetime is to seek the downfall
of others. He carries no light. He can never inspire anyone who has a
great, fruitful and positive destiny. He
would brainwash people into thinking their problem is
something else from someone else.

In Nigeria, where there are several
kinds of issues where true activism is necessary and there is a cry
for help. But NO! It is Churches that keeps daddy
freeze awake at night.

Everyone often likes to go around
people who encourages the good part in them, and then discourages the
bad parts. But daddy
freeze already has an army of insults, complain,
blame-game, dummies and haters of good.

If people go to Church voluntarily,
and do whatever they do there, voluntarily, and then get hope, what
is the problem of it? Is there not supposed to be freedom of worship,
or does anyone’s rejection of Christianity invalidate the

Yes, there may not be ‘top’
billionaire Christians, or whatever physical index you want to
use. But there are many genuine Christians following GOD who have
peace of mind. They are not depressed, or drug addicted, or
indebted, or troublesome, or sick, or in sorrow, or stricken poor.

Some of what many of the Christians
have, are not measured by physicality or materialism. Some can sleep
without pills, some have destiny they are running at with patience,
some are assets in the Kingdom of GOD, some are children of
destinies, some are vessels unto honor, some have a sound mind, etc.

So yes, tithes or first fruit may be
so foolish to everyone else, but those who believe know what it means
to their Faith, and yes, it is still voluntary.

In a world where decency, modesty,
morals and ethics are often jettisoned, it is great to be reminded of
how to be a better person, to oneself, to family, folks, community
and society.

Many women are often manipulated [or
sometimes pressured] into sending nude pictures of themselves
over the internet. Some often get away with it but it has ruined

Words of caution rooted in hearts,
through constant reminders maybe the blockage before making a

But if it is anything-goes daddy
freeze that a man or woman believes, there is nothing
reckless they can’t try, or confuse themselves to believe that this
is right.

Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our GOD stands forever.”

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